
What would Brian Boitano do?
If he was here right now,
He'd make a plan
And he'd follow through,
Thats what Brian Boitano'd do.

When Brian Boitano was in the olympics,
Skating for the gold,
He did two sow cows and a triple lutz,
While wearing a blind fold.

When Brian Boitano was in the alps,
Fighting grizzly bears,
He used his magical fire breath,
And saved the maidens fair.

So what would Brian Boitano do
If he were here today,
Im sure he'd kick an ass or two,
Thats what Brian Boitano'd do.

I want this V-chip out of me,
It has stunted my vo-ca-bu-lar-y.

And I just want my mom
To stop fighting everyone

For Wendy I'll be an activist, too,
Cos that's what Brian Boitano would do.

And what would Brian Boitano do,
He'd call all the kids in town,
And tell them to unite for true
That's what Brian Boitano would do.

When Brian Boitano travelled through time
To the year 3010,
He fought the evil robot kings
and saved the human race again

And when Brian Boitano built the pyramids,
He beat up Kubela Kong.
Cos Brian Boitano doesnt take shit from an-e-y-body

So let's all get together,
And unite to stop our moms
And we'll save Terrance and Phillip too,
Cos that's what Brian Boitano do.

And we'll save Terrance and Phillip too,
Cos that's what Brian Boitano dooooo,
That's what Brian Boitano do.

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+++ der Zoo der größten atomaren Unfälle +++ +++

Kompatibilität mit dem Leben noch nicht nachgewiesen.

frage des tages:

Wenn Katholiken auf eine Demo gehen, sind es dann Protestanten?



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Mal schauen, ob's wer merkt!
csgblog - 2. Jan, 17:44
Ihr seid KWAZY! - Eine...
Da es noch ein wenig dauert bis meine erste CD auf...
Henna - 10. Mär, 19:30
Liebe Henna,
alles alles Gute zum Tag der Kristallvase !
julipuli - 9. Mär, 19:15


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